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Thursday, February 23, 2006

H, this post is for you...

give me a cold one straight thru the veins Current mood: pissed off

God i need a life. instead of working on this lab i decided to check out anything on the internet. i'm starting to hate (yes i used hate) my lab partners. not them as people, but just as lab partners. it is getting to the point of alerting the instructor. yes, them's fightin words! the rats are still alive. then i had to go play with the fucking flies. they are not as cute nor fun might i add. but dirty. definitely dirty.
i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a life!
i just turned down a guy cuz he still lives with his parents. apparantly that is the only kind of boy i can attract. the unmotivated lazy leech of a motherfucker who wants gretchen to do everything & wipe his ass while she's at it!!!!!!!!
that's about it. tonight is a fun festival including organic chemistry, some vodka, and some petting of the kitty.
Currently listening: Bim Skala Bim By Bim Skala Bim Release date: By 19 October, 1998

st. shit hole

so for a minute i almost wasn't here.... i zoned out pretty good & forgot i was even in indiana. thanks, geritol. ok i mean myspace.
so i got up at 7:30 so i could get ready & call this lab dude only i called & he wasn't there. thank God. calling people that early should be illegal, especially when you've never met them & they are far away & dear God that's why they invented email.
only 2 weeks til jacksonville. only 2 1/2 months til i leave this god forsaken cold barren land. but by then it won't be cold. i had something exciting to say but it's gone now. so fuckin sad.
so kendra wants us to move to st. cloud. heidi wants to be my roommate in fargo. so many decisions. st. cloud is a winner because then i won't be in the same town as my ex boyfriend so then i don't have to hang out with him. is that mean? UGHGHDGLKSHG GET AWAY FROM ME! distance is so lovely. but other than that, st. cloud is dump and i don't want to live there, cuz yuck. look at my picture & the look on my face. yeah that's what i think about st. cloud. except mike lives there.

*SIGH**************** i dated mike's retarded friend and fell for mike... the summer of 02!!!! and then mike moved to st. crap. so maybe i should move there to so he can not remember me and then i'll be living in st. craphole & wish i hadn't moved there. yes! time to extract androgens from rat testes! have a pleasant day!

Monday, February 13, 2006

ok so what do I do with the cat while i'm florida?? I have NO $ (ie, can't even fund the trip) so expensive cat sitting ($18/day) is just soooo over the top, but i refuse to subject my baby to a kennel. she'd go mad.

and how do i get to florida any freaking way?? I am in pikeville, ky til that sunday. so do i drive down there? or fly? i found a really cheap flight from louisville - jacksonville for like $153 (sweet!) but it would seem SOOO pointless to drive 200 miles out of my way to fly down. but it would make the trip back soooo much better.

jessica, if you read this, are you going to be in town the thurs/fri of march 16ish? i might be swinging thru............. off to class!